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- program solvgj; { -> 84 }
- { pascal program to perform simultaneous solution by Gauss-Jordan elimination}
- const maxr = 8;
- maxc = 8;
- type ary = array[1..maxr] of real;
- arys = array[1..maxc] of real;
- ary2s = array[1..maxr,1..maxc] of real;
- var y : arys;
- coef : arys;
- a,b : ary2s;
- n,m,i,j : integer;
- first,
- error : boolean;
- external procedure cls;
- procedure get_data(var a: ary2s;
- var y: arys;
- var n,m: integer);
- { get the values for n and arrays a,y }
- var i,j : integer;
- begin
- writeln;
- repeat
- write('How many equations? ');
- readln(n);
- if first then first:=false else cls;
- m:=n
- until n<maxr;
- if n>1 then
- begin
- for i:=1 to n do
- begin
- writeln('Equation',i:3);
- for j:=1 to n do
- begin
- write(j:3,':');
- read(a[i,j])
- end;
- write(',C:');
- readln(y[i]) { clear line }
- end;
- writeln;
- for i:=1 to n do
- begin
- for j:=1 to m do
- write(a[i,j]:7:4,' ');
- writeln(':',y[i]:7:4)
- end;
- writeln
- end { if n>1 }
- end; { procedure get_data }
- procedure write_data;
- { print out the answers }
- var i : integer;
- begin
- for i:=1 to m do
- write(coef[i]:9:5);
- writeln
- end; { write_data }
- {external procedure gaussj
- (var b : ary2s;
- y : arys;
- var coef : arys;
- ncol : integer;
- var error : boolean);}
- begin { MAIN program }
- first:=true;
- cls;
- writeln;
- writeln('Simultanuns solution by Gauss-Jordan elimination');
- repeat
- get_data(a,y,n,m);
- if n>1 then
- begin
- for i:=1 to n do
- for j:=1 to n do
- b[i,j]:=a[i,j]; { setup work array }
- gaussj(b,y,coef,n,error);
- if not error then write_data
- end
- until n<2
- end.